Selda Akpinar

„On one of the first days I directed a movie which was a new experience for me and it was wonderful“ - recalls Selda, 19, from Istanbul.

Selda Akpinar took part on a media camp organized by Youth4Media and sponsored by European Union Youth in Action program. Asked about her experiences with media and journalisme, she points out: „I am working for a Literature magazine in Turkey but before coming here, I was just doing interviews and writing down what people said. Here I am learning new technical skills, like camera.“ After going back to Istanbul she would like to use these skills by joining the Media commeetee of a local student club.

„I study Politics but I don‘t want to become a politician and I would rather turn into media, like newspapers and television. This camp is a good opportunity for me to find out what exactly I want to do in the future.“ Asked about her opinion on the London riots and the documentaries which her British collegues did, Selda admitted that Team Up project can open the other people’s minds. „I realize everywhere there is police terrorism. But everywhere people also try to raise their voices. When I saw the documentary on the London riots, I was kind of happy Because I learned we are not alone with our protests at Gezi Park. This media camp can help us to reach people who so far, are only watching pangueens on CNN“ states Selda, referring to a documentary about pangueens which CNN Turkey streamed when the demonstrations and riots against Erdogan's policy were taking place throughout Turkey in the summer of 2013.

Laura Beusmann
