In the middle of nowhere...

For the 3rd time European Youth4Media Network organized a media camp Team Up. However, now the centre of participants' meeting was not Bürgerhaus Bennohaus but Europejski Dom Spotkan Nasutow in Poland.

Twenty young activists from different countries (Poland, Germany, United Kingdom and Turkey) travelled to the 'East Gate of Europe' to gain some cross-media knowledge. They had that opportunity thanks to the long term project Team Up for Youth sponsored by European Union Youth in Action.

Youth4Media already organized 2 trainings in Germany. This time, with the support of Nowy Staw Foundation, the managing director Daria Jaranowska organized a media camp in Nasutow - a village in Poland: 'It is not so easy to do a project in a country in which you don’t live. You can't have an eye on everything that is happening there but thanks to Magdalena Gnyp, the youth leader from our partner organisation, I didn't have big difficulties in taking care of everything before and during our project. I think that if you are an international network, you need a cooperation on a high level.'

The topic of the 3rd edition of Team Up was: 'Social inclusion. People with fewer opportunities'. Participants were divided into 3 groups: short movie, video report and cross-media PR. Journalism, art, camera's techniques, frames and cultures were intersecting with each other. 'I always wanted to do something about media but I was just able to play on some TV shows, nothing more. So I am so glad that I had the chance to come to Poland and actually do and learn things about the media. We have great trainers who are really into their work, caring and interested in teaching us what they know. Moreover, we have a lot of work to do but we are doing them enthusiastically because everything we do is so much fun and interesting.' - admits Ezgi Erdem - Turkish participant.

Youth4Media took care of various schedule for the youth interested in media. During nine days of workshops of the training they had an opportunity to listen to the lectures of Dionne Walker - a film producer from London and also to visit Lublin - the nearest big Polish city which is known as an 'East Gate of Europe'. Laura Meis - a participant from Germany agreed 'I'm really happy that I jumped on board on this amazing cruise and I am exited where it will lead me to next'.

The next stop for Team Up 4th edition is Bürgerhaus Bennohaus and Train the Trainer media camp in December. Participants from different countries will gain both cross-media knowledge and some pedagogical skills. Feel invited!
