Münster, there we go!

Hallo, ich bin Rafa!

Hallo, meine name ist Rafa...em..!


I saw myself at the airport, turning pages quickly and trying to learn some "survival words" for my following twelve months experience of EVS in Münster, Germany. I felt excited. I just knew some things about the project and the city, but not much about the people that I would work with. I didn’t know even the house where I would live in or if I would feel comfortable with my flatmates. And I would not even mention the language, the incredible and respectful German language. But I wasn't scared. I was really excited, flying through experience of living abroad - what I think is probably one of the best and useful experiences you can ever have. Especially having the chance to join the EVS (European Voluntary Service). It is a part of Erasmus +, the programme gives chances for youth people to join social projects all around Europe.

As I said, ich bin Rafa und ich komme aus Spanien.

I studied media at the University and I found in the EVS the perfect excuse to keep moving. Honestly, I didn’t look for any particular country but I was sure that I wanted to join an artistic and cultural projects. I discovered Youth4Media. I also wanted to give young people a voice through digital media.

So after the first day, the second came and then the third and so on. Everything was better than I could imagine. Lovely green city, and plenty of bicycles everywhere. Nice house with nice flatmates. A really cool place to work at and a great youth environment to be involved in. At the beginning everything looks new and everyone is a potential friend. Which is something that I really take into consideration when I travel. And this is maybe because I have lived abroad a couple of times before, so that make things easier for me.

It´s true that each person is different, so we face the experiences in different ways. I know that moving abroad could be traumatic for some people but even if I miss my family and friends as well, for me travelling is the key. It´s also true that living abroad, meeting new people and learning about new cultures is something that make you grow and build your personality. Once someone really clever said: "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page".

So, after some days in Münster I am getting used to my new routine, making a new group of friends and of course, trying to learn something about this incredible city and the people who live here.

Rafael Anton Garcia


