Youth Mediatraining for Employability and Inclusion

Objectives of the proposed course (28.05.-6.06.2013 in Lublin) were media trainings, improving competences and skills of the responsible youth workers who want to use media tools in their daily work with the theme of mobility, active participation, inclusion and integration of young people within the society and to use Community Media and to contribute to the creation of international Web-TV for non-governmental, social and cultural youth NGOs across Europe.

"I had another amazing trip in Poland. I haven’t slept for a week more than 3h a day bcoz the people were so amazing and the training also! Thank you Magda Gnyp for making this happen and all that were there I salute you and miss you. Much love and respect", Moe Isse.

The raining course introduced 28 multipliers from Poland, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Spain and Greece methods of raising European awareness, fostering understanding and cooperation between young people in Europe with the help of Community Media and Web-TV-tools.

The training course Youth Mediatraining for Employability and Inclusion was organized by the European Meeting Center – Nowy Staw Foundation in Lublin, Poland and supported by the Youth in Action Programme. Partners of the training course were NGOs from the Youth4Media network association. This project gave great support to our network members.
