
"People there have no food, water and electricity. Children cannot go to schools. The unemployment is high. "Dar dla Aleppo" (eng. Gift for Aleppo) is a Polish response to the appeal of the victims of civil war which has started in 2012 in Syria.


The sytuation in Aleppo is dramatical. There is no water, no electricity and no medicine. The houses are destroyed and many people after the yeras of war are ill. Yet the people don't want to leave Aleppo, yet in order to stay there they need proper living conditions, enumerates Father Feras Lofti, a Franciscan who works in Aleppo. "Dar dla Aleppo" was an initiative started by Christian churches of Lower Silesia Provnce in southwestern Poland (pol. Dolny Śląsk) which main aim was to collect money for rebuilding St. Joseph of Apparition Hospital and providing it with medical equipment. The campaign was supported by Pontifical Association - Aid to the Church in Need (pol. Papieskie Stowarzyszenie Pomoc Kościołowi w Potrzebie). The organisation helps 146 countries around the world wheather Christian communities suffer from persecution, warfare, cataclysms or poverty.

Sister Nadima Slim, the Head of Community of St. Joseph of Apparition Hospital wrote a letter in which she asked for any kind of help:

Despite all the difficulties, a lack of electricity and water, absence of technicians to maintain the necessary medical devices, and economical problems, we are stil working and providing medeical services to all shade of society, without regard to the identity or religion of the patient. Medical services provided by doctors, sisters, and nursing are done with great sacrifice, but we need a financial assistance to purchase and mantain our necessary devices. (source: http://www.dardlaaleppo.pl/pdf/list-z-aleppo.pdf)

The total amount of money needed is 317.786€. Polish initiative collected 546.328,14PLN (around 129.769,15€).


"War does not determine who is right... only who is left." Bertrand Russell



Beata Jaranowska
