Helau Alaaf!

You open the door of the office, like every Monday morning. But what is this? It's empty. Could you maybe have missed something?


It's Rosenmontag in Germany, the highlight of the German Carnival. Every year, 48 days before Easter, Rosenmontag takes place. The whole city centre is blocked for the 'Rosenmontagsumzug'. More than 100 floats drive through the streets and throw sweets and keychains. The variatey of people come there, starting from little children with there parents over students with their friends, right up to seniors. Nearly everyone is disguised and all shout 'Helau Alaaf''. It is a common shout and it differs in every region of Germany. After the event in the centre there are a lot of parties in the clubs and bars of the city.

There is also a traditional food eaten on this day: berliner - a round pastry with jam inside and sugar on the top of it.

So go home, grab your costume and join the fun!


Rosa von Scheidt
