If your answer is YES, then it's a perfect day to celebrate PIEROGI DAY and satisfy your hunger with delicious Polish dumplings, celebrated annually on October 8.

Pierogi are dumplings made of unleavened dough, first boiled and then baked or fried in butter. They can be stuffed with potato filling, potato and onion, cabbage and mushroom, sauerkraut, ground meat, potato and cheese, cheese, spinach or fruit. What's more, pierogi are often served with sauteed onion or fried bacon crumbles. If they are with a fruit filling, can be topped with maple syrup, chocolate or apple sauce. In Poland pierogi is a traditional Christmas dish eaten together with the whole family. GUTEN APETTIT! :)

If you want to listen to Polish THE DUMPLINGS; don't hesitate to click the link below :)

