Trip to Amsterdam

It's already our sixth day of adventures with German-Israeli `The walls of Remembrance` project. Yesterday we visited the capital of the Netherlands - Amsterdam. Our trip started with sightseeing led by Mr. Joachim Musholt who showed us the main landmarks of the city.

Firstly we saw the famous canals which were built during the 17th century. The boat riding along one of the city’s 100 canals offer tourists a relaxing way to view traditional Dutch architecture. While relaxing in one of many cafes you could notice how many people were enjoying their time on the boats.

Secondly, we had a walk in De Wallen - Amsterdam’s infamous red-light district, the city’s area for legalized prostitution. You mustn't take pictures there and police presence keeps that area safe.

Finally, we reached The National Monument on Dam Square - a monument from 1956. On 4 May every year a national Remembrance of the Dead ceremony is held at the monument to commemorate the casualties of World War II.

After the amazing time spent in Amsterdam we went to Südlohn, a delightful village in Germany which is located right at the border with the Netherlands. Thanks to the hospitality of Mr Musholt the participants of `The walls of Remembrance` project were invited for a barbeque at his farm. We started with kabalat ``shabbat/kidush`` - a traditional Israeli prayer before the meal every Friday. The boys were wearing ``kipa`` - one of Judaism's most characteristic items. The girls had to light 2 candles for each person. Afterwards we prayed and sang Jewish songs. For all the German participants it will surely be unforgettable experience.


Beata Jaranowska
