It's officially started! On 20 July 2015, 15 Israelis and 15 Germans met in a beautiful city of Münster, Germany. Our goal is to break the walls in our minds. The walls which keeps us from perceiving people and the world without stereotypes.

In the morning of 21st we met for the first time in Bürgerhaus Bennohaus, where we will be working in three different groups: a music group, an art group and a film group. The project is organized by Arbeitskreis Ostviertel e.V.. After a short introduction presented by the manager of the project Daria Jaranowska, EVS volunteer of Bennohaus Grzegorz Konopski let us know each other by playing some energizers. It was fascinating to learn many new names, which pronunciation is undeniably challenging!

After lunch the groups started working - planning, drafting, composing, filming.. All of the participants are greatly involved in the process of creating films, songs and articles. We'll make the topic alive with the sounds of art so wait for more!


Beata Jaranowska

Yovel Raz

