Unknown situations Greece

What could we write when we are on media camps? How was our day? What we did so far? Of course, but not every time. That is why, I will write some impressions about the country, which you can’t know from the catalogues. So let’s talk about Greece, where Youth4Media currently is. And of course, I will not talk about the ancient history, weather and beaches. What you can discover, when you will get there are:

1) Crazy bus drivers who are starting to drive while the door are still open
information in the buses where the phrase ‚The next stop is’ is really loud while the name of the station is nearly hearable. 

2) Creepy mannequins in the shop windows.

3) Coffee to take away which half of it is ice and foam.

3) If Greeks say to you ‚ne’ that means that they agree with you. Against the most languages in Europe, Greek ‚ne’ means ‚yes’.

4) If you prepared bikini for swimming in the part of the see of Thessaloniki, you are wrong. It is too dirty. 

5) The most popular shops: clothing shops.

6) I still didn’t discover if the Polish saying ‚Don’t pretend Greek’ is true but as Greeks admits - if something is going wrong, for sure, it is not their fault - so maybe Poles are right. There is always a bit of true in legends, quotes and stereotypes ;)

PS. 9) Don’t you dare to throw the toilet paper to the toilet. Might have bad consequences!

In the meantime, let’s continue our journey in Thessaloniki. Maybe we will find more unknown situations.

Daria Jaranowska

