Face Up

‘Face Up’ project is funded by European Union program Erasmus +. European Youth4Media Network together with Bürgerhaus Bennohaus (Germany), Mediaterra Nea (Greece), YouthART (Turkey) and FRG (Romania) will organise 6 trainings in 4 different countries. The purpose is not only to qualify young media trainers but also to talk about social, global and environmental issues. The first step of the project, which is running for two years, was a media camp in Istanbul, Turkey.

Between 13-21st of November German, Polish, Greek and Romanian teams flew to Istanbul to experience a week full of extraordinary people, food and scenery. It was a time filled with hard work, excitement and fruitful endeavours in creating two video reports about the environment and a documentary about how it all happened.

Next meetings are planned for 2015 in Thessaloniki (Greece), Timisoara (Romania) and Münster (Germany). The project will finish in 2016. Till that time Youth4Media will qualify motivated young people who wants to gain cross-media skills.

All of the associated partners will also take care about the participants between the media camps. All thanks to youth initiatives. Local workshops and recording will provide many movies from four different countries. We will collect them all and create our new international magazine.

We invite you to send us your videos, photos and articles. Don’t hesitate also to ask us for participating in a media camp. We are waiting for you contribution of a young spirit.

Daria Jaranowska

