Team Up media training 1st edition

Eight countries, four broadcasted web TV magazines, six media camps – Team Up for Youth, empowerment of civil society engagement and digital creativity. Funded by European Union, Youth4Media Nework started to realize a project called Team Up for Youth. It will last two years. Our main purpose is to establish network of young people, promoting civil society engagement. For that reason Youth4Media and its partners inviting youth to cooperate and share their ideas via media.

Between 2013 – 2015 young people from Poland, Denmark, Turkey, Spain, United Kingdom, Finland and Romania will have opportunity to join some of our youth initiatives. First of all, Youth4Media provides six media camps – four in Germany (Münster) and two in Poland (Lublin). Youth is trained in the field of crossmedia journalism. During 8 days, groups led by trainers produce videos which afterwards arepublished in an international magazine called Team Up. What is interesting, the magazine is fully created by participants of Team Up for Youth project.

After coming back home Youth4Media invites all participants to further cooperation. Together with the other young people from their countries youth from Team Up media camps will produce videos for our European magazine, write articles for a blog and organise public information daysabout the project outcomes. The beginning of Team Up were the first days of October. Bürgerhaus Bennohaus in Münster hosted international guests from Poland, Denmark, Turkey, Finland and Romania. All participants of the first Team Up media camp were already experienced inthe field of media. The training has been fulfilling the third module – train the trainer module C. The leader of the group Arndt Selders gave some pedagogical tips for the young movie makers: "The workshop Module C - Trainer Competences impacts the tools of a trainer, meaning that the participants got to know how to multiply their knowledge by learning and practicing certain methodologies and other competences necessary for being a media trainer.

This took place in a very practical way by the participants in preparing and giving their own short lesson sequence in front of the workshop group". Daria Jaranowska one of the organizers admits – „It was special media camp because those people started the existence of Team Up magazine. For that reason we divided participants into 3 groups: one produced a report, one a short movie and the last one graphics (intro, logo and inserts). I was really happy to lead the third group. We’ve created wonderful outcomes. I’m extremely satisfied with the final result, especially working with my group (Alice, Alex and Raluca – all from Romania) which was a pleasure“.

All of the outcomes were presented during the live show which was fully prepared by the participants. Bürgerhaus Bennohaus will host next Team Up media training in February 2014. Youth4Media invites young motivated people to participate and create international magazine.
