Istanbul - you have to feel it, taste it and smell it

I am sitting at the window looking down the street, it's the fivs floor. On the balcony down below sits a cat, the sun is shining and warming my back. Around, you can hear traffic, people are talking.Typical sounds of a metropolis.

I am a participant of the "Face up" project. Our groups are filming and editing videos. What have I seen so far? What are my impressions? Istanbul is a crazy town. Everything is fast, but not stressy: cars, fast walking people. It's a kind of overwhelming feeling. The impressions you get are various: You have to smell, taste and feel Istanbul. Nearly every second house offers food that smells differently. On the streets there are merchants selling there things, chestnuts and simits, a special Turkish bagel.
Culture and architecture is very different than in Germany. Cars are driving nearly everywhere, and when you don't go out of the way you have the feeling that it will strike you. People are sitting outside, talking and taking there Turkish Coffee or Chai tea. Rubbish that was thrown on the street, cats running around searching for food.
This town is fast, full, freaky and overwhelming, but when you have got this special "Istanbul-feeling", you will love to be here.
