IES Puerta Bonita

IES Puerta Bonita (ES) is a public school member of the Council of Education centres network in Madrid's Community. The main objective is to qualify its pupils as technicians in the fields of Graphic Arts and Audio-visuals, Image and Audio technologies, with the high-priority objective of facilitating the integration into the labour market or self-employment.

IES has long time experiences in EU programs Grundtvig, Comenius and LLL. IES has a broad sphere, in the local district as well as in a European framework. IES helps young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) aged 16-18 to engage with learning and find positive progression into employment; further evidenced learning and apprenticeships. The mission is to deliver personalised learning by using digital media within a structured pathway of progression that develops the potential and economic wellbeing of young people who might otherwise not succeed in life.


