What is Pfand?

Energy transition, nuclear phase and environmental protection. What does environmentalism mean and which sub regions are concluded under this term?

In general, environmental protection means all measures to protect environment with the intention and aim to keep natural basis of every life. Furthermore, damages with human responsibility should be solved. You can divide this topic in protection of water, air, climate and ground.

Starting points are resources, electricity or emission. Aims of protection for example are reducing of carbon dioxide emissions by green electricity, redution of rubbish and responsible handling with resources.

United Nations meet regularly to constipate new strategies for better environmental protection. However, Germany is one of the leading nations in environmental protection. Since many years government is working effectively on energy transition. In 1980 for example the party „Bündnis 90/Die Grünen“ was founded. A significant substantive focus is environmental policy. During the following years politic took more and more notice of pollution, environmental problems and started measures to contain pollution, reduce Co2 or to push energy transition foreword. Especially renewable energies are focussed. In 2012 around 23,6% of electricity was green power. Until year 2025, 40 to 45% of electricity shall be produced from renewable energies.

Another special idea was the system of bottles with deposit. (In Germany called Pfandflaschen). It was imported in year 2003 with the aim to reduce rubbish, handle more responsible with resources and direct attention to environment. Mass of glass, plastics and metal shall be cut down.

It works like this:

On nearly every bottle or tin there is a special sign. When you buy them you have to pay more than the regular price is. For a big bottle made of plastic you have to pay 25 cent more, for a tin (for example beer) 8 cent.

When it is empty, normally you collect them and bring them back to a supermarket afterwards. There are machines where you put bottles inside. After that you get a bill with the sum of all bottles which will be subtracted from your buying department or disbursed.

This reform reached an awareness for environmental protection, which became normal after some time and helps to reduce rubbish and save resources.

To conclude, environmental protection became more important, politicians are working on better solution in producing of energy. However, there is a major focus on environmentalism and awareness of consequences of pollution like natural disasters, there has to be done more:

New laws for environmental protection - the will to change grievances, a responsible handling this resources, a change in society and especially a worldwide cooperation!

Laura Schlapper

